16 May SUCCESS 028: Thomas S2 EX Chinese, EX Science and EX Math WA2 2024
Einstein Elite: Thomas
2024 WA2 Grade: Sec 2 EX Chinese A1, EX Math A1, EX Science A1
Thomas’s Success Motto: “Success is not accomplished overnight but over a period of time!”
Q: What results did you get for Chinese, Math and Science in the WA1 and the WA2 this year?
In the WA1, both my Chinese and Math grades were borderline C6. Nevertheless, I managed to do well in Science with a distinction A2. In the WA2, I made a strong comeback with full distinctions A1 in the 3 subjects.
Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA2 this time round and how was it different from last time?
I spent time to do quality revision by conducting a detailed review of the learning materials from the school and the tuition centre. On top of that, I did additional questions from the worksheets assigned by my teacher prior to the WA2 which strengthened my application skills and increased the accuracy of the answers. As a result, I was much better prepared for the WA2. As for WA1, my preparation was less ideal as I was not thorough enough in my revision.
Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?
The Chinese tutor goes into great details on the answering techniques which I am unsure of. Hence, I have a better idea of how to answer the questions without going out of point.
The Math tutor highlights the severity of my careless mistakes and implements effective ways to kick the bad habits I used to have when doing the Math questions.
The Science tutor covers very much in depth the concepts which I used to have a superficial understanding. There is consistent testing of the major Science concepts and how to use them to answer the application based structured questions.
Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?
My target for the EOY exam this year is straight A1s in Math, Science and Chinese.
I will do an extensive revision on all the topics especially the previous ones that were taught at the start of the year. I will regularly test myself on all the important knowledge to strengthen my understanding and application skills. I will also do the past year exam papers to increase my exposure to the exam-based questions as well as bring questions to clarify with the tutors every now and then.
What Team Einstein says:
A stellar performance with a top result, Thomas! U fully deserve the credits! Continue your excellent study regime, we are confident that your hardwork and consistency will lead you to success in the EOY exam! We will support you all the way!!