

Einstein Elite: Shao Liang
2024 N Level Grade: Combined Science Grade 1, E Math Grade 1, English Grade 4

Shao Liang’s Success Motto: “I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it!”

Q: What results did you get for Combined Science, E Math and English in the Sec 4 prelim exam and the N level exam?

In the prelim, I did well in E Math and Combined Science with Grade 1. However, I struggled in English with Grade 6. Knowing that I could do better, I stepped up on my revision. In the N level exam, I aced E Math and Combined Science with Grade 1 and outperformed in English with Grade 4.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the N level exam? What did you do after the prelim to improve your result on English?

After the prelim, I increased my revision intensity by extending the duration of my revision. I went on to do more practice papers (both school prelim papers and N level yearly papers) to increase my exposure to different exam-based questions. As for English, I made extra efforts to analyse more model essays to pick up more ideas that could be used in my N level Paper 1 exam.

Q: What did the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?

The English tutor assigned me tasks to brush up my vocabulary knowledge which helped me to understand better of what I was reading. The tutor was also patient in training me up on the answering techniques as well as explaining the questions that I was not sure of.

The E Math tutor was approachable, so I always felt that I could ask for guidance when I was unsure. There was comprehensive revision with emphasis on step-by-step approach that enhanced clarity of my work and accuracy of my solutions.

The Combined Science tutors would always welcome my questions which really helped to clear my doubts. They would consistently test me on the core concepts from all the topics and teach me how to apply the relevant concepts onto the questions.

Q: What does the tutor in the Focus class do to help you in English?

The English tutor in the Focus class zoomed in to my Paper 1, requesting me to bring a model essay every lesson. He would analyse the good points with me in the model essay and I would be tested on these good points on a weekly basis. Over time, I was able to recall the important ideas across various writing topics which I could use them confidently in my own essays.

Q : What do you think of Einstein Education Hub? How is it different from other tuition centres?

The tutors at Einstein are very helpful and approachable. They always encourage the students to ask questions. They will not hesitate to go the extra mile to explain the concepts, questions and answers in greater details until the students can understand well.

I did not attend other tuition centres before, but I had a private English tutor whom I did not really enjoy the teaching style.

What Team Einstein says:

Definitely the BEST result and effort, Shao Liang! Our team of Einstein tutors is truly proud of U! We see so much drive in you willing to learn and achieve more, we are confident that it will lead you to greater success in life!! A standing ovation to your excellent achievement, WELL DONE!!


Einstein Elite: Jun Wei
Sec 4 2024 Prelim Grade: EX Pure Chemistry A1 and EX Pure Physics A1

Jun Wei’s Success Motto: “Your dreams are the blueprint while your determination is the architect of your success!”

Q: What results did you get for Pure Chemistry and Pure Physics in the WA2 and the prelim this year?

For my WA2, I achieved A1 in Pure Physics but only scored B3 in Pure Chemistry. I went full steam ahead for my prelim and emerged with double distinctions A1 in Pure Physics and Pure Chemistry.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the prelim this time round and how was it different from last time?

For the WA2 preparation, my revision was less frequent. I did not go through any notes for the topics to be tested and only attempted a few papers.

After the WA2, I stepped up on my revision. During the June holidays, I dived into the Sec 3 and Sec 4 topics again by going through all the school notes in greater details, understanding and remembering all the core concepts from the different topics. I tested myself these concepts by applying them onto the questions in the topical TYS. After the June holidays, I worked on the prelim papers from other schools to raise my competencies on the more difficult questions as well as to increase my exposure to a larger variation of questions.

Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?

The tutors in both the Pure Physics and Pure Chemistry Achievers’ class do not hesitate to explain clearly the learning content. They also provide interesting information from time to time on the core concepts which pique my curiosity and strengthen my understanding. The tutors know exactly when to set additional questions during the lessons to reinforce the major concepts to ensure that every student in the class can follow well before they move on.

Q : What is your target for the O level this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for the O level this year is A1 for both Pure Physics and Pure Chemistry.

I will press on with my revision, do prelim papers on a daily basis by alternating between Pure Physics and Pure Chemistry. For the questions that I am unable to do or I am still not clear of even after looking through the model solutions, I will seek help from Chat GPT. I will key in my own answers and Chat GPT will tell me if I am correct. If I do not get the correct answer, I will improvise my answer and try again and again until Chat GPT verifies that my answer is correct.

What Team Einstein says:

Awesome performance, Jun Wei! We are extremely proud of you and !00% confident in your capability. Keep up the fantastic drive for excellence, do your best in the O level to pull off the double distinctions in the double Pure Science! We believe in U!!


Einstein Elite: Ryan
2024 WA3 Grade: Sec 3 EX A Math A1

Ryan’s Success Motto: “1% luck, 99% HARD WORK!”

Q: What results did you get for A Math in the WA1, WA2 and WA3 this year?

I started on the wrong footing with a F9 in the WA1 but I fought my way back to A2 in the WA2. I doubled down my efforts and was rewarded with A1 in the WA3.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA3 this time round and how was it different from last time?

As compared to last time, I attempted more past year exam papers to increase my exposure of the different types of exam-based questions and reinforce my knowledge of the various problem-solving methods. Every time before I did the past year exam papers, I would spend time to review both the school notes and the tuition notes thoroughly to ensure that I knew what the effective methods and the relevant steps were and how they were being used to solve the different types of exam-based questions. For that, some of the questions which appeared in the WA3 were similar to the ones that were gone through during the tuition lessons.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

The A Math tutors do not rush through during the tuition lessons, they always explain step by step. They make the effort to double check that I can understand and apply the methods and concepts proficiently. They never fail to clarify my doubts and misconceptions no matter how big or small the problems are. Moreover, I find that the tuition notes are much more comprehensive than my school notes because it include relevant examples which clearly show how the methods and formulas are being applied.

Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

I aim to score A1 for A Math in my EOY exam.

I will continue my revision routine which includes doing past year exam papers and reviewing the notes on a consistent basis. I will analyse all my previous tests to learn what my weaknesses are and readily seek help from the tutors to address them.

What Team Einstein says:

Ryan, you are on fire with this brilliant result! Your A Math have grown from strength to strength, keep up the impressive form and strive for excellence in the EOY exam! Superb effort, WELL DONE!!


Einstein Elite: Rachel
2024 WA3 Grade: Sec 2 EX Science A1

Rachel’s Success Motto: “Just study and memorise the keywords!”

Q: What results did you get for Science in the WA2 and WA3 this year?

My Science faltered in the WA2, I only got B4 which was unsatisfactory. I was determined to make things right in the WA3, studied hard and scored A1 out of it.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA3 this time round and how was it different from last time?

For the WA3, I increased the frequency of practices on my assessment books. I stepped up my efforts in revision by studying on a daily basis. When I was going through the important concepts within the topics, I made sure to test myself repeatedly so that I could remember them at my fingertips. Previously, I used to spend lesser time doing the assessment books for revision which was not enough to help me in the WA2.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

The Science tutor will test me consistently during the lessons to ensure that I can recall the core concepts and more importantly, understand what they mean and how to apply them onto the structured questions. The tutor will set questions during the lessons or ask me verbal questions to train me up on both the application skills and the answering techniques. The tutor also gives me good advice on how and what to revise for my school WAs as well as how to improve the quality of my answers in the structured questions.

Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My goal is to score A1 for Science in the EOY exam this year.

I will cover more in-depth revision on all the topics that are tested in the EOY exam. I will start doing past year school exam papers in addition to my assessment books, increase my exposure to the exam-based questions and raise my competencies in answering the standard questions commonly tested in the exams.

What Team Einstein says:

A top performance, Rachel! Excellent result! We are immensely proud of your achievement. Keep up the consistency and superb effort, our team is committed to bring out your best in this EOY exam!!


Einstein Elite: Ian
2024 WA3 Grade: Sec 3 EX E Math A1, Combined Chemistry A2

Ian’s Success Motto: “SUCCESS isn’t achieved overnight but by consistent efforts!”

Q: What results did you get for E Math and Combined Chemistry in the WA2 and WA3 this year?

I did not perform well, I only scored B4 in both E Math and Combined Chemistry in the WA2. I was not satisfied at all with this result, I geared up and pushed myself in the WA3 to produce a glittering distinction A2 in Combined Chemistry and A1 in E Math.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA3 this time round and how was it different from last time?

Previously, I only spent 1 hour on my revision daily which was insufficient. For E Math, I only read the textbook and did not do many practice questions. For Combined Chemistry, I just read the notes. All these revisions were ineffective and they did not work out in the WA2.

For the WA3, I extended the revision time to at least 2 hours daily. This gave me more time to revise more content and better grasp the topics.

For E Math, I would study the tuition and school notes in-depth on the topics tested and allocated more time to do a lot of ten-year series (TYS) questions.

For Combined Chemistry, I made my own notes on the important concepts to help me understand and remember them much better. I was able to apply these concepts more precisely when I was doing more questions from the TYS.

Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in both subjects?

Both the E Math and the Chemistry tutors explain the concepts and questions in an effective way that I can understand easily. The questions from the tuition worksheets are more challenging which I feel that it helps to push me to analyse more and think harder. The tutors will not hesitate to provide guidance and hints to lead me to think in the right direction so that I can derive the solution eventually. Since I can do the difficult questions, I have no problem with the simpler questions in school.

The tutors will also set additional examples and questions during the lesson to test my understanding and answering techniques. This helps me a lot to the extent that one of the examples actually came out in the WA3 and I scored full marks in it.

Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for both E Math and Combined Chemistry are A1.

I will spend even more time on my revision as more topics will be tested. I will pay closer attention during my lessons both in school and tuition. I will not snowball my doubts by taking active actions to ask more questions to my school teachers and the tutors to clarify with them.

What Team Einstein says:

Ian, an OUTSTANDING performance with STRONG results! We are extremely proud of you and are equally determined to be your strongest ally in your quest to excellence in this EOY exam!!

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Einstein Elite: Jason
2024 WA2 Grade: Sec 4 EX Combined Physics A1, EX Combined Chemistry A1

Jason’s Success Motto: “You cannot spell IMPOSSIBLE without I–M(am)–POSSIBLE!”

Q: What results did you get for Combined Physics and Combined Chemistry in the WA1 and the WA2 this year?

In the WA1, I excelled in my Combined Chemistry with a distinction A1 but took a tumble in my Combined Physics with E8. I was not done with this result, I put up a strong performance in the WA2 with straight distinctions A1 in both Combined Chemistry and Physics. I came in 1st for Combined Physics in my class with the highest score of 89% in the WA2!

Q: What did you do in your preparation specifically for the WA2 this time round?

I made sure that I prepared thoroughly by reviewing all the relevant notes and exercises in advance before sitting for my WA2. I would make special emphasis to remind and test myself the important concepts and the effective methods to answer the standard questions plus providing the proper explanations to the typical structured questions in the exam.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?

Both the Physics and Chemistry tutors place great emphasis on what is important in each and every topic. Not only that, the tutors also bring up several common misconceptions that most students tend to make, that really helps to clarify my doubts to a big extent. During the lessons, the tutors will go through each and every question in details so that if a certain concept is to be expanded on, I will not be confused or caught unaware.

Q : What is your target for the O level exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

I am looking forward to score A1 in my Combined Science (Physics and Chemistry) in the O level exam.

I will continue to review my notes diligently with consistent practices on the TYS and other school prelim papers so as to check if I can apply my knowledge effectively.

What Team Einstein says:

Spectacular performance, Jason! This was an incredible result that you made it possible with your excellent efforts! We have the right plan for you and the full confidence that you will achieve your targets in the O levels this year!!

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Einstein Elite: Caz
2024 WA2 Grade: Sec 1 NT Math A, NT English A

Caz’s Success Motto: “Work hard now, play hard later!”

Q: What results did you get for English and Math in the PSLE last year, the WA1 and the WA2 this year?

Last year, my PSLE performance in both English and Math was sub-par with AL7. Starting this year, I promised myself to shake it off, channel all my efforts into studies and worked my way up to a distinction A in Math and B in English in the WA1. I continued to focus and my efforts were paid off with full distinctions in both English and Math in the WA2. To reward and recognise my achievements, my school promoted me from NT Math to NA Math starting from term 3.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA2 this time round and how was it different from last time?

Last time, I was distracted during the lessons in school and I did not practise much for the PSLE. For the WA1 and WA2 this year, I paid more attention and was more focused during the lessons both in school and tuition. I would make sure that I did not miss out on the important concepts that were covered during the lessons. My mom had also bought assessment books and past year exam papers for me to practise regularly before I sat for the WA2.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?

The English tutor provides clear and in-depth coverage of the grammar, vocabulary as well as the answering techniques for the comprehension. The tutor will explain the meanings of the words that I am unsure of and gives me additional spelling of the words with the meanings to increase my vocabulary knowledge.

The Math tutor also explains clearly the methods. As a result, I can understand much better how the methods and the formulas work. Therefore, I can apply them properly when I am doing the questions. Every now and then, the Math tutor will test me and reinforce what I learn in school to ensure that I fully understand and know how to solve the questions from the topics taught in school.

Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for both English and Math will be A in the EOY exam this year.

I will step up on my revision by doing both the assessment books and past year exam papers as well as review my textbook more often. I will continue to stay focused during the lessons in both school and tuition to absorb the most knowledge from the teachers and the tutors. I will also bring questions to clear my doubts with the tutors.

What Team Einstein says:

A very strong and impressive result, Caz! We are exceptionally proud of your achievements. Keep up your good study attitude, continue to work hard and shine in your quest to success in the EOY exam this year! You are an inspiration to others!!

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Einstein Elite: Thomas
2024 WA2 Grade: Sec 2 EX Chinese A1, EX Math A1, EX Science A1

Thomas’s Success Motto: “Success is not accomplished overnight but over a period of time!”

Q: What results did you get for Chinese, Math and Science in the WA1 and the WA2 this year?

In the WA1, both my Chinese and Math grades were borderline C6. Nevertheless, I managed to do well in Science with a distinction A2. In the WA2, I made a strong comeback with full distinctions A1 in the 3 subjects.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA2 this time round and how was it different from last time?

I spent time to do quality revision by conducting a detailed review of the learning materials from the school and the tuition centre. On top of that, I did additional questions from the worksheets assigned by my teacher prior to the WA2 which strengthened my application skills and increased the accuracy of the answers. As a result, I was much better prepared for the WA2. As for WA1, my preparation was less ideal as I was not thorough enough in my revision.

Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?

The Chinese tutor goes into great details on the answering techniques which I am unsure of. Hence, I have a better idea of how to answer the questions without going out of point.

The Math tutor highlights the severity of my careless mistakes and implements effective ways to kick the bad habits I used to have when doing the Math questions.

The Science tutor covers very much in depth the concepts which I used to have a superficial understanding. There is consistent testing of the major Science concepts and how to use them to answer the application based structured questions.

Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for the EOY exam this year is straight A1s in Math, Science and Chinese.

I will do an extensive revision on all the topics especially the previous ones that were taught at the start of the year. I will regularly test myself on all the important knowledge to strengthen my understanding and application skills. I will also do the past year exam papers to increase my exposure to the exam-based questions as well as bring questions to clarify with the tutors every now and then.

What Team Einstein says:

A stellar performance with a top result, Thomas! U fully deserve the credits! Continue your excellent study regime, we are confident that your hardwork and consistency will lead you to success in the EOY exam! We will support you all the way!!

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Einstein Elite: Brandon
2024 WA2 Grade: Sec 3 EX English A1, EX E Math A1

Brandon’s Success Motto: “Facta non verba (Deeds, not words).”

Q: What results did you get for English and Math in the WA1 and the WA2 this year?

In the WA1, my grade for English was C6 and E Math was A1. In the WA2, I showed consistency in E Math by scoring A2 but I excelled in English with a solid distinction A1.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA2 this time round and how was it different from last time?

For the WA2 preparation, I did a thorough revision by studying in-depth the notes and reviewed the mistakes I made during the practices. For example, I would go through the important concepts my English tutor taught me previously to fully understand how to apply them in the WA2. As for E Math, I would learn from my mistakes and prevent them from happening again every time I am doing the practices. This was different from last time whereby I went through my mistakes but without knowing properly what caused them.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?

The English tutor was patient and explained the mistakes step by step so that I could understand what went wrong. He would further prompt me relevant questions to help me think in the right direction to eventually derive the correct answer.

The E Math tutor would identify my errors and correct my methods by showing me the effective ones. From time to time, the tutor would reinforce the topics and test me on the core knowledge within these topics to ensure that I could recall them and still know how to use the respective methods to solve the major questions. This gave me more confidence when answering the exam questions in the WA2.

Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for both English and E Math in the EOY exam is A1.

I will continue to strengthen my understanding on the major concepts and sharpen my application skills by using the answering techniques that I have learnt from the tutors. Equally important, I will do the past year exam papers consistently to raise my confidence and competencies, not forgetting to bring questions to clarify my doubts with the tutors regularly.

What Team Einstein says:

We are blown away by your excellent performance, Brandon! Well done!! Keep up the marvelous work. Maintain the high competencies and consistencies to achieve all your targets in the EOY exam. The team will be behind you with the fullest support to develop your academic potential!


Einstein Elite: Jesse
2024 WA1 Grade: Sec 3 NA E Math A1

Jesse’s Success Motto: “Put more effort in your work, it will always pay off!”

Q: What results did you get for Math in the Sec 2 EOY exam last year and the WA1 this year?

My Math result took a hit in the EOY exam last year, it was F9. I put more effort in my work this year, it pays off with a resounding success in the WA1, earning myself a distinction A1 with a perfect score (25/25)!

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA1 this time round and how was it different from last time?

I made sure to revise consistently with much more focus as compared to last year. I spent at least one hour every day to do practice papers on my own. On top of that, my family gave me loads of encouragement during my revision, especially my older brother. They gave me the additional support which reinforced my will to turn my Math grades around this time.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

I find the Achievers’ class to be helpful as the E Math tutor goes out of his way to explain every concept and question (including the complicated ones), so I have a better understanding of what the questions are about. The tutor also emphasises the effective problem-solving methods and the steps involved when doing the questions. I master these skills and apply them diligently to my revision and tests. The E Math tutor, being kind and approachable, makes me understand his explanations more easily.

Q: What does the tutor in the Focus class do to help you in this subject?

The tutor in the E Math Focus class clears my misconception in algebra which enables me to solve the questions from other topics correctly every time I use algebra. The tutor is able to identify my weaknesses from the previous topics, provides thorough drillings to erase my habitual errors and builds up my confidence when I can eventually do the questions correctly.

Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target is A1 for E Math in the EOY exam this year.
I will continue with my current revision program for the rest of this year, ensuring that I am able to apply what I have learnt from both the school and the tuition centre. Should I find any difficulties, I will seek clarifications from my tutors.

What Team Einstein says:

Perfect, Jesse! Your brilliant performance marks your strong desire for success! We are extremely proud of you and we have full confidence that you can achieve excellence in your studies!! Well done, keep up your consistency!!


Einstein Elite: Yi Bai
Sec 4 2024 WA1 Grade: NA Combined Chemistry A1

Yi Bai’s Success Motto: “Failure before SUCCESS!”

Q: What results did you get for Combined Chemistry in the Sec 3 EOY exam last year and the WA1 this year?

I struggled a lot in Combined Chemistry last year and did badly in my EOY exam with the grade F9. I was determined to prove to myself that I deserved better grades. I prepared thoroughly for the WA1 and emerged victorious with the grade A1.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA1 this time round and how was it different from last time?

I joined Einstein 3 months ago and took a thorough change in the way I studied. After my Chemistry tuition, I would revise the tuition notes in depth and make the extra effort to copy down the key concepts onto a separate notebook to help me remember them better. For the calculation questions, I would study and understand the methods taught by the tutor, apply them onto the questions, showing and simplifying all the steps clearly.
In the past, I did not really understand the Chemistry topics. I could only understand the superficial stuffs within the topics, so even though I did revision, I did not have a deep understanding and I would still run into many problems during the exam.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

The Chemistry tutor narrowed down the relevant and important keywords which really helped me to memorise the concepts much better. The tutor could skilfully simplify the concepts in a way that I could understand them more clearly. On top of that, the weekly tuition provided me with more opportunities to apply what I learn onto more questions.

Q : What is your target for the N level this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for Chemistry in the N level is grade 2 (70%~74%).
I will continue to do both the TYS (ten-year series) and the past year exam papers to refresh and reinforce my knowledge on all the topics. In doing so, I will also be able to identify which past topic(s) I still have doubts in as well as the area(s) that I need to strengthen. I will clarify all my doubts and address the areas of concern that I have so that I will be well prepared for the N level exam this year.

What Team Einstein says:

It was an inspiring turnaround, Yi Bai! What a spectacular performance that took our hats off U! Keep up the superb form, keep your target in sight, work hard and be consistent all the way to the N level exam!! WELL DONE!!


Einstein Elite: Abbie
2024 WA1 Grade: Sec 4 EX E Math A1

Abbie’s Success Motto: “Anything is possible!”

Q: What results did you get for E Math in the Sec 3 EOY exam last year and the WA1 this year?

I did not fare well in the EOY exam last year. My grade was F9. I did not give up and press on with all my efforts in the WA1 this year, scoring a distinction A1!

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA1 this time round and how was it different from last time?

Beginning from this year, I started to spend more time on my studies. I did daily practices assigned by my teachers as well as questions from the Math textbook to enhance my understanding of the topics and improve my problem-solving skills. Last time, I did not do enough questions for revision. I merely redid the old worksheets instead of the new questions, so it was not very helpful for me to understand better the topics.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

Explanation is very clear and detailed. The E math tutor does not rush through the learning materials and he teaches in a way that I can understand well. I can also clarify any doubt with the tutor on the spot which he takes it seriously and always explains in a simplified manner which enhances my understanding on both the topic and how to use the proper methods to solve the questions.

Q: What does the tutor in the Focus class and the Intensive class do to help you in this subject?

The tutors in the E Math Focus lessons and the E Math Intensive lessons zoom in to the previous important topics that I am having problems in. They will identify the gaps in my performance on the topics especially the parts that are affecting my progress, strengthen my foundations and reinforce both my knowledge and performance through customized questions that they set on the spot. When my WA is coming, the tutors will do thorough revision on the topics to be tested and set tests for me to do. With that, I feel that I am more prepared and know what to do during the WA in school.

Q : What is your target for the O level this year? What will you do to achieve it?

I am aiming for A2 for E Math in the O level exam this year.
I will go back to the Sec 3 topics to recap and strengthen my understanding of them and the methods being used to solve the questions. I will do the past year school exam papers and the topical TYS to brush up the weaker topics and accuracy of my answers. When I am more confident in my Sec 3 and Sec 4 topics, I will start doing the yearly TYS to improve my overall performance for all the topics.

What Team Einstein says:

Abbie, this is a phenomenal performance, a strong comeback filled with determination and superb capabilities! Well done, we are proud of you! We will continue to provide you with the support and guidance all the way to achieve your goal in the O level exam!!


Einstein Elite: Jun Teng
2024 WA1 Grade: Sec 4 EX Chemistry A1

Jun Teng’s Success Motto: “Through Heaven and Earth, I alone am responsible for myself.”

Q: What results did you get for Combined Science in the Sec 3 EOY exam last year and the Chemistry WA1 this year?

My overall grade for Combined Science in the EOY exam last year was 60% or B4. To better this result, I worked hard for the Combined Chemistry WA1 this year and scored a well-deserved distinction, A1.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA1 this time round and how was it different from last time?

Going into Sec 4, I made sure that I was more attentive in class. I took the initiatives to take down important points and notes on what the teacher had explained and emphasized during the lessons. This note-taking benefitted me as the stuff which I took down proved to be of importance within the topics. Additionally, I did thorough revision of the topics that were tested in the WA1, I reviewed and checked that I had memorised all the details of the core concepts. I also did consistent practice on both the MCQs and the structured questions to hone my application skills before I sat for my WA1.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

In Sec 3, I was clueless about what Chemistry was about. However, I am able to gain insights on this subject @Einstein. The Chemistry tutor explains the important concepts in a clear and simplified manner not forgetting to emphasize what is relevant and crucial, this helps me to pay extra attention and grasp clearly the important stuff. At the same time, the questions that are posed during the lessons are answered to the fullest details by the tutor.

Q : What is your target for the O level this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for the O level is A1 for Combined Chemistry.
I will continue my good revision program that has been proven to be effective in my WA1. I will attempt more questions from other school past year exam papers to gain more exposure and further improve my answering techniques.

What Team Einstein says:

5 STARS performance, Jun Teng! U r off to a bright start in Sec 4 with this marvelous result in the WA1. With your staunch determination and superb efforts, U are definitely on the right track to achieve your target distinction in the O level!!


Einstein Elite: Shu Phing
PSLE Grade AL1

Shu Phing’s Success Motto: “If you study hard now, you can play hard later!”

Q: What results did you receive in your PSKE and the prelim?

I scored AL4 in my prelim. I doubled up my effort which paid off in the PSLE with the best grade in Science, AL1.

Q: What did you do after the prelim to improve your results on Science?

I studied in depth the learning materials from the tuition centre, did a lot of practice papers including the past year PSLE papers. I made extra effort to consult my school teacher to refine my answering techniques especially on the structured questions. I also prioritised more personal time on revision to make sure that I had a solid grasp on the scientific concepts and the relevant keywords of all the topics. Before the PSLE, I had a group study session with my friend and we checked each other’s work which helped me improve my checking skills for accuracy and errors during the PSLE.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

The Science tutor explains both the concepts and the questions in full details especially when I don’t understand them in the first place. I feel that this is better than school as the tuition class is a small group setting whereby the tutor can give me more attention and clarify my doubts. The tutor also uses a lot of real-world examples which helps me to relate to the concepts better.

Q: What do you think of Einstein Education Hub? How is it different from other tuition experiences that you had previously?

At home, there will be distractions even with a private tutor. At Einstein, I find that I am in a conducive learning environment to study which is helpful for my focus and concentration during the lessons.

What Team Einstein says:

Shu Phing, your performance is TIP-TOP!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to your excellent result, we are super impressed and proud of your perfect score! Continue your effective study skills to reap more successes in Sec 1 and beyond, U are AWESOME!!


Einstein Elite: Harshitha
P4 2023 EOY Grade: English 92% (AL1), Math 88% (AL2)

Harshitha’s Success Motto: “Strive my best to score full marks in my exams!”

Q (Parents): What did Harshitha do in her preparation for the English and Math EOY and how was it different from last time?

She would definitely finish up all her school and tuition homework without leaving anything out. She made sure that she fully grasped what was taught in the school and the tuition classes. In preparations for the EOY exams, she would allocate time to attempt questions from the assessment books that we bought for her. This additional but constant practice helped to increase her exposure to a myriad of exam-based questions. All these positive learning habits sum up to a high level of consistency in her studies throughout the years.

Q (Parents): What did you do to help Harshitha in her revision? What encouragement did you give her?

Before the exams, I advised her to spend less time on her games and entertainment and more time in her revision. I also encouraged her to do well in her exams so that her efforts would be rewarded such as earning compliments and recognitions from the teachers as well as securing more options for secondary school after the PSLE.

Q (Parents): How do the tuition lessons @Einstein help Harshitha in both English and Math?

In the Math Achievers’ class, the methods taught were very effective in helping her to understand the Math questions especially the problem sums.
In the English Achievers’ class, there are more trainings and opportunities to raise her proficiencies in the language including all the components that are tested in the exam.

Q (Harshitha): What is your target for this year? What will you do to achieve it?

I am aiming for AL1 in both English and Math in P5 this year.
I will do consistent practices on both the assessment books and the past year exam papers. If I come across any question that I am unsure of, I will study the model solution to understand how it works and keep that in mind. The next time I come across any similar questions, I will be able to apply the same method or improvise it to find the answer.

What Team Einstein says:

Wow Harshitha, you have delivered a splendid performance that deserves recognition! Keep your spirit of consistency forever strong and growing! We will continue to develop your potential in learning and lead you to greater heights in your journey to academic success!!


Einstein Elite: Derrick
O Level Grade: E Math A1, A Math A1, Pure Chemistry A2

Derrick’s Success Motto: “Trust the systems!”

Q: What results did you receive in your O level and the prelim?

I had been faring well consistently throughout 2023. In my prelim, I pushed myself to achieve distinctions A1 in both E Math and Chemistry as well as B3 in A Math. I pressed on and strived my best in the O level, hitting straight distinctions A1 in both A Math and E Math and A2 in Pure Chemistry.

Q: What did you do in the entire year of Sec 4 to achieve your results? How was it different from the way you studied last time?

Previously in Sec 3, my main form of revision was only reading the notes from the school and the tuition centre. I did not practise much and end up spending less time for revision in Sec 3 than Sec 4. Going into Sec 4, I tweaked my revision plan. I focused a lot more on sharpening my answering techniques and application skills for the exam-based questions.

For Pure Chemistry, I did the TYS and even accomplished 10 sets of prelim papers given by my school teacher. I was in turn readily equipped with the know-hows on applying the concepts onto the questions with the relevant details.

For E Math, I did both the topical TYS to strengthen the core topics from Sec 1 to Sec 3 and the yearly TYS to raise my overall competency in all the topics. I also did a few prelim papers to further expand my knowledge of exam-based questions.

For A Math, before the prelim, I concentrated on the prelim papers to gain exposure to the challenging questions. Leading up to the O level, I did the recent yearly TYS (2019 to 2022) to be well prepared for the latest trend of questions that would be more likely to be tested in the O level.

Q: What did the tutors in the Achievers’ classes do to help you in these subjects?

In the A Math Achievers’ class, the tutor was super helpful in closing the gaps in my understanding of the topics. His explanations were crystal clear which enabled me to understand the topics and questions clearly as well as how to solve the questions effectively.

In the Pure Chemistry Achievers’ class, there were certain topics that I was very weak in. The tutor gave thorough explanations with very good and highly comprehensible examples. That cleared my misconceptions and helped me to understand the concepts much better.

In the E Math Achievers’ class, I struggled with the questions on real world context. However, the tutor could simplify the massive information within the questions skilfully and trained me to think more such that I could derive the solution in a systematic manner.

Q: What do you think of Einstein Education Hub? How is it different from other tuition centre?

The tuition centre really builds up the foundation of the students in the subjects that they are weak in. That helps a lot!

What Team Einstein says:

Excellent result, brilliant performance, Derrick! We are extremely impressed and proud of your superb achievement!! Keep up the super positive study attitude to achieve more milestones in your academic endeavours, U are amazing!!!


Einstein Elite: Nav
Sec 3 2023 EOY Exam Grade: A Math A1

Nav’s Success Motto: “Don’t give up!”

Q: What results did you get for A Math in the Sec 3 WA3 and the EOY exam this year?

My performance in the WA3 was below par, I scraped through with C6. For my EOY exam, I made all my efforts count, my A Math result soared to a record-breaking distinction A1.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the EOY exam this time round and how was it different from last time?

Last time, after my 5 days of OBS from school, I could not catch up with the A Math lessons in school. My A Math became shaky and my revision was mainly just doing the A Math homework assigned by my school. For my EOY exam revision, I used the learning materials provided by the tuition centre to perfect my skills. I followed the tutor’s advice to adopt daily revision at home with more time spent on revision during the weekends. I was also able to clarify my questions with the tutors at the end of each tuition lesson. Thus, I felt that I was more prepared and confident for my EOY exam this time round.

Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

The tutors are very detailed in their explanations during the tuition lessons which help to clear my misconceptions. They identify the common errors that the students are prone to make, consistently remind everyone to be careful and avoid the mistakes while doing the questions in class. The tuition materials provided are comprehensive in the sense there are many relevant exam-based questions for me to apply the methods to practise on.

Q : What is your target for next year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target is to achieve A1 in A Math for the O level exam. I will continue the good revision habits of clarifying questions with the tutors and study 1 month in advance for all the WAs, prelims and O level next year.

What Team Einstein says:

A championship performance, Nav! Well done for your sterling result!! We are absolutely impressed by your resolute faith to be the top in A Math. Your consistency and competency show it all in this EOY exam. Keep up your excellent performance all the way to the O level next year!!


Einstein Elite: Jayden Mok
Sec 1 2023 EOY Exam Grade: NA Math A1

Jayden’s Success Motto: “Efficient and consistent hard work will lead you to success!”

Q: What results did you get for Math in the Sec 1 WAs and the EOY exam this year?

My results were very inconsistent throughout the year, scoring A in my WA2 but U to C for the other WAs. Knowing that the EOY exam would be a challenge, I pressed on diligently and emerged with a high distinction A.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the EOY exam this time round and how was it different from last time?

For the EOY exam preparation, I kept doing the assessment books regularly with consistent review of the tuition materials to ensure that I used the correct methods to derive the solutions. It dawned on me that if I did not pass my EOY exam, I would be at risk of being transferred out of the NA stream in Sec 2, therefore I was more motivated to strive my best in the EOY.

For my previous WAs, I did not spend as much time in my revision, thus it affected both my performance and results.

Q: What do the tutors in both the Achievers’ class and the Focus class do to help you in this subject?

For the Achievers’ class, the tutor will cover the current topics in details with all the methods shown clearly so that I can apply them onto the questions properly.

For the Focus class, the tutor will reinforce the correct methods and set multiple questions to sharpen my application of the methods. This strengthens my understanding of the weaker topics and raises my competency in solving similar questions in the exams.

The tutors in both the Achievers’ class and the Focus class are able to explain the methods and the questions clearly, making sure that I can understand before moving on. Whenever I have questions to clarify, they will not hesitate to explain thoroughly to me.

Q : What is your target for next year? What will you do to achieve it?

I will most likely be promoted to Express Math in Sec 2. My target next year is to achieve distinctions in Express Math. I will do my utmost best to carry out consistent revision by putting in time and effort to go through the school and tuition notes in depth with extensive practice of questions.

What Team Einstein says:

A huge congrats and well done for your incredible performance, Jayden! We are filled with pride over your brilliant result! Continue your impressive form and strive for excellence next year!! We are 100% behind you in your journey to more success!!!

Einstein Nivedha_1

Einstein Elite: Nivedha
J1 2023 Promo Exam Grade: H2 Math A

Nivedha’s Success Motto: “Never give up!”

Q: What results did you get for H2 Math in the WA1, WA2 and promotional exam this year?

My WA1 and WA2 were not well done. I underperformed in WA1 with a grade E. Although I did improve to a grade D in my WA2, it was far from satisfactory. I worked my socks off and was rewarded with a distinction A in my year-end promo!

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Promo exam this time round and how was it different from last time?

I attempted many practice papers for my promo, making sure to time myself while doing the questions. The exposure to a myriad of exam-based questions with time control really helped me improve gradually with each successive paper. Especially for the initial papers, I brought them to the tutor to clarify my doubts and gain a better understanding of the methods required to solve the questions. This raised my confidence for I was more aware of the proper methods and knew how to apply them correctly onto the questions.

Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

I can understand clearly and easily what the tutor explains during the Math tuition lessons. The tutor will not hesitate to re-explain the solutions or concepts and set further examples until I understand them completely. Besides verbal explanations, the tutor also uses models and diagrams to illustrate the mathematical concepts which helps a lot with the explanation. Furthermore, the tutor is respectful of my learning needs and pace, never rushes through the lessons which fits well my learning capacity.

Q: What is your target for next year? What will you do to achieve it?

I will continue to strive for distinction, A. I will maintain my consistency in my current revision regime, not forgetting to clarify any doubt with the tutor.

What Team Einstein says:

Nivedha has demonstrated immense determination and superb effort to execute an effective study plan to bring out her best in Math.  “Super impressive performance, Nivedha! We are jubilant over your excellent result and really proud of you!”

Einstein Elite: Ian
Tuition Subject: Sec 4 NA E Math, Combined Physics & Chemistry

2023 School Prelim Grade: E Math A1, Combined Physics A1, Combined Chemistry A2
Ian’s Success Motto: “Never look back and keep moving!”

Q: What results did you receive in your prelim and WA2?

For my WA2, I scored A1 in both E Math and Physics but obtained only B4 in Chemistry.  In my prelims, I pushed myself to achieve straight distinctions A1 in both E Math and Physics and A2 in Chemistry.  Since the start of this year, I have taken a serious approach towards my studies.  I do not wish to take chances especially in the N level exam, hence my strong determination and the extra hard work to ensure that I do well in my WAs and the prelims.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the prelims on E Math, Combined Chemistry and Physics and how was it different from last time?

As I am taking my N level this year, my bulk of revision comes from the Ten-Years Series (TYS).  For the prelims and the WAs this year, I spent considerable time on sharpening my answering techniques and accuracies of my solutions.  This is done so by doing a wide range of questions in the TYS on a consistent basis for E Math, Combined Chemistry and Physics.

I would like to give a big shout-out to the Combined Chemistry and Physics tutor.  Coming for the Physics and Chemistry tuition classes really made a significant difference to my preparation for the WAs and prelims.  It helped me to better understand the topics since every lesson was laser focused on a specific topic with similar questions whereas for my school, the teacher did different topic questions in the same lesson which could get confusing for me.

Q: What do the tutors in both the Achievers’ class do to help you in these subjects?

The tutors will explain thoroughly on the topics and not rush through, so it is very clear and easy for me to understand.  They will give hints which help me to figure out the solution when I am stuck with a question instead of spoon-feeding me the answers.  My Science tutors will impart the effective problem solving methods to me.  At the same time, they will share with me my problem areas and point out where I can improve on.  My Math tutor will not hesitate to provide additional guidance to me to ensure that I show all the steps clearly and ask questions to prompt me to think more and answer during the lesson. 

Q : What is/are your goal(s) for the N level? What will you do to achieve it?

I am gunning for distinctions in E Math, Physics and Chemistry in the N level.  My ultimate goal is to achieve a respectable aggregate in the N level so that I can be granted a placing in the polytechnic foundation program for the diploma course in Culinary.

I am more determined to make my efforts count to achieve my goals.  I will continue to work hard to gain more exposure to exam-based questions and not hesitate to clarify my doubts with the tutors during my revision process.

What Team Einstein says:

A very impressive and excellent result in your prelim, Ian!  Your consistency and effort speak volume of your determination to excel in the N level.  We are super sure that we are in this journey together with you to achieve your ultimate goal of pursuing the diploma course in Culinary.  All the way and give your best shot, Ian!!

Einstein Elite: Hock Yew
Sec 3 2023 WA3 Grades: A Math A1

Hock Yew’s Success Motto: “Never back down, never give up!”

Q: What results did you get for A Math in the Sec 3 WA1 and WA2 this year?

My grades were back and forth between C5 and B4 in the WA1 and WA2. I was concerned about my shaky results.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA3 this time round and how was it different from last time?

I dedicated more time at home to cover more questions from the past year school exam papers. I was able to attempt and complete more questions in my revision for this WA3 as compared to last time because I mastered the effective methods in tuition, therefore it significantly cut down my time needed to recall the methods to solve the questions.  At the same time, this increased my exposure to questions and provided me with more opportunities to clarify the challenging questions with my teachers before the WA3.  In the previous WAs, I was not familiar with how to begin the questions during my revision.  I took too much time to solve them, hence limited questions were attempted.  I tried to refer to the school notes and textbook but I would still have difficulties applying the methods onto the questions.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

I used to take considerable amount of time to think of the methods when I was doing the questions.  After attending the tuition class, I realise that the methods taught to me are useful.  I am consistently drilled in both the understanding and the clarity of the worked solutions.  The tutor will also share effective tips in learning A Math which benefit me.  What I master in tuition has improved my processing skills and answering techniques especially in pin-pointing the correct methods to solve the various types of questions during the A Math test.      

Q : What is your target for this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target for A Math is A1 in the EOY exam.  

I plan to do a mock test once a week to identify the topics to be targeted in the topical revision.  During the topical revision, I will work on my accuracy and speed so that it can raise my competency in managing different types of questions during the EOY exam without having to rush through and lose unnecessary marks.  Instead of just doing questions from the school textbook for revision, I will accomplish more questions from the ten-year series and other school exam papers.  This adds on to the library of questions and solutions in my mind which will in turn help me both to analyse the questions deeper and apply the correct methods during the EOY exam.    

What Team Einstein says:

A turbo-charged performance that we fully recognize and appreciate, well done Hock Yew!! Bring it on, bring out your best in the EOY exam!  Hardwork and determination will lead you to SUCCESS!!

Einstein Elite: Sin Yi
Sec 2 2023 WA3 Grades: Math A1

Sin Yi’s Success Motto: “Never give up!!”

Q: What results did you get for Math in the Sec 2 WA1 and WA2 this year?

I did not perform up to satisfaction in the WA1 and WA2. I only got C5 in both tests.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA3 this time round and how was it different from last time?

For this WA3, I set my sight on getting a grade much higher than my WA1 and WA2. I started preparing 2 months in advance for the WA3. During the June holidays, I read up the new topics in advance that would be taught in term 3 to have a better understanding of them. Furthermore, I did questions on a daily basis from the school textbook and the Math materials handed out by my school to build up my problem-solving skills and consistency. This was more effective than all my previous preparations. Last time, I started my revision for the WA only 1 month in advance and 3 times per week which was probably not enough for me to do well in the WA.

Q: What do the tutors in both the Achievers’ class and the Focus class do to help you in this subject?

In the Math Achievers’ class, the tutor will explain the entire topic very clearly, with detailed emphasis on the proper methods used to solve the various types of questions in a step-by-step approach. If I am having trouble understanding, the tutor will not hesitate to reexplain the question and concept in a simplified manner which makes it easier to understand. Every now and then, the tutor will also test me on the core concepts and the problem-solving methods from the previous topics to ensure that my understanding and problem-solving skills of the previous topics are not diluted over time.

In the Math Focus class, the tutor reinforces to a great extent on the previous major topics especially algebra. As I tend to forget the important details needed to be shown in the steps, the tutor consistently sets relevant questions on the spot and keeps testing me on the critical details to help me remember concretely especially for the questions that I have difficulties doing. From there, I can fully grasp the major concepts and apply them readily when I come across similar questions including my schoolwork as well. What also helps me is that the tutor will do a thorough revision with me on all the topics to be tested in the WA, hence I can feel that I am more prepared for it.

Q : What is your target for this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My goal for Math in the end-of-year (EOY) exam is A1. Besides continuing my current efforts, I will step up by doing more questions from past year exam papers. I will also start to bring questions to clarify with the tutors which I have not done so in the past.

What Team Einstein says:

A marvelous achievement, Sin Yi!! We are absolutely impressed by your elegant display of success. Keep up the excellent form and superb effort, our team of tutors will continue to give you the fullest support to bring out the best in you for the Math EOY exam this year!!

Einstein Elite: Ray
P5 2023 WA2 Grade: Science 84% (AL3), English 90% (AL1)

Ray’s Success Motto: “Just do your BEST!”

Q (Parents): What did Ray do in his preparation for the Science and English WA2 and how was it different from last time?

He attended more lessons at the tuition centre. More importantly, he allocated more time on revision by going through the learning materials thoroughly from school and tuition. I also gave him more past year papers to attempt before he sat for the WA2. Previously, he did not spend as much time on revision as compared to this WA2.

Q (Parents): What did you do to help Ray in his revision? What encouragement did u give him?

I encouraged him to work harder and do better. To spur him on, I promised to bring him on a holiday to ski if he does well in the EOY (End-of-Year) exams.

Q (Parents): How do the tuition lessons @Einstein help Ray in both Science and English?

Basically, in the English regular lesson, he is able to get more opportunities to practice, reinforce his understanding and improve his answering techniques. The English focus lesson helps him to craft his compo with more ideas and better time management. Previously, he used to get stuck on how to start the compo.

In the Science regular lesson, he is able to understand the theoretical concepts better with emphasis on the usage of important keywords in the written answers.

Q (Ray): What is your target for this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target is to score AL1 for English in the EOY exam. To achieve it, I will complete more past year exam papers in both Paper 1 and 2 to raise my competency in English.

For Science, my target is also AL1 in the EOY exam. I will continue to spend time and effort to do the assessment books on a consistent basis and clarify questions that I am unsure of with the tutor. I feel that I learn a lot as the tutor can explain the answers very well.

What Team Einstein says:

Congratulations to Ray on his fantastic results in the WA2! We are delighted with his outstanding performance!! Since the start of P5, Ray has become more serious and focused on his work. Being an attentive student who takes the initiative to participate in class, Ray puts great effort into his work consistently. He does not shy away but more willing to clarify any doubts he has with the tutors. This excellent study attitude bodes well for Ray – to go far and achieve greater heights in his end-of-year examinations! Well done!!

Einstein Elite: Giselle
P5 Eng 2023 WA1 Grade AL3 (80%)
P5 Math 2023 WA1 Grade AL3 (83%)

Giselle’s Success Motto: “Strive to achieve greater heights!”

Q (Parents): What did Giselle do in her preparation for the English and Math WA1 and how was it different from last time?

She did more revision from the assessment books as she was aware of the topics that would appear in the WA1. In the past, she did the revision books as well but did not have a full understanding of what she did. The tuition lessons helped to reinforce her knowledge and helped her to absorb and understand the content better.

Q (Parents): What did you do to help Giselle in her revision? What encouragement did u give her?

She did the revision work mainly on her own. If she had any problem, I would give her some guidance and remind her to bring the questions to the tuition centre to clarify with the tutors so as to get a clearer explanation of the questions as well as the solutions.

Q (Parents): How do the tuition lessons @Einstein help Giselle in both English and Math?

The regular English and Math tuition lessons help to keep her on her toes as she is aware that she will be tested by the tutor every lesson, so she is more consistent in her revision. Furthermore, the Math focus lesson helps her to better manage the problem sums. She is taught the proper methods and structures whereby she can follow and use them to solve the questions more confidently.

Q (Giselle): What is your target for this year? What will you do to achieve it?

My target is to achieve 80+ marks for both English and Math in the end-of-year examinations. I will recap more thoroughly the learning materials which my school teachers and tutors have given me. I will put in more effort and time on my revision by doing both the assessment books and the past year school exam papers. This will increase my exposure to the different types of questions so that I know how to solve them in the exam.

What Team Einstein says:

Giselle is a highly motivated student. She puts in extensive efforts and strives to achieve good results in her studies. With continued guidance and consistency in her academic performance, she will definitely excel in her studies. “Continue to work hard, Giselle! The rainbow of success will glow in U!!”

Einstein Elite: Kate
J2 H2 Math 2023 WA1 Grade A
Kate’s Success Motto: “Don’t drop the ball”

Q: What difficulties you had in Math previously?

A: Previously, I only managed to score an E for my H2 Math for my Promos in J1. I had difficulty understanding the questions that were posed during the examinations. I did find myself being able to start some of the questions with the appropriate methods but I was unable to complete the rest of the question. Also, the recorded school lectures were confusing as there were several instances where the lecturer glossed over the concepts which I did not understand.

What did you do in your preparation for the Math WA1 exam and how was it different from last time?

A: In order to prepare for my Math WA1 in J2, I started by redoing the old questions which I had either previously attempted or was given in my school tutorials and tuition notes. This exercise is important to me as it allows me to verify that I am able to recall all the important methods, concepts and presentation that is required for each type of question. I was delighted that, not only was I able to get more questions right this time, but I could complete them faster, which was a great boost to my confidence. I also attempted the new questions from the examination package issued by the school, of which I am elated that I was able to achieve a higher rate of correct answers as compared to J1. 

What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending the Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

A: The tutor for my Math class made sure that each question was explained step-by-step without glossing over any of the concepts required to answer the question. Her explanations were also a lot easier to understand as compared to my aforementioned school lectures. She also made sure that I understand every facet of the concept and is willing to clarify all my doubts before moving on.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Math as compared to last time?

I feel that doing well for this test has increased my confidence by an appreciable amount, but I too am mindful that past performance does not guarantee future results so I must continue to work hard and not rest on my laurels.

What will you do in J2 to keep up your consistency and performance?

I will make sure that, unlike during J1, I will watch all the school lecture recordings on time so that I can catch all the parts I do not understand early and get them clarified in a timely manner. Also, I will diligently complete all of my school assignments instead of simply referencing the work of my peers.

I will continue the good aforementioned revision practices that I had used for this test and I would also begin on doing timed practices to make sure that I am able to complete the questions under exam stress conditions.

I will not drop the ball again.

What Team Einstein says:

Kate is an attentive and enthusiastic student who has shown improvements in Math through her hard work and bright mind. “Well done, Kate! You have proved what you can achieve through great effort. Keep up the consistency all the way to your A level! Together, we will not drop the ball!”

Einstein Elite: Alisha
O Level E Math Grade 2022 A2
Alisha’s Success Motto: “It is never too late to be what you might have been!”

Q: What results did you receive in your O level, prelim and the last few WAs?

A: My 1st WA was a mediocre E8 followed by an improved grade C6 in the WA2. I pressed on but my prelim was still hovering at C6. I gave my all in the O level and my effort was duly rewarded with a distinction A2!   

Q: What did you do after the prelim to improve your results on E Math?

A: I surrendered my gadgets and laptop, firmly resolved to focus completely on my revision in E Math without the usual distractions. Next, I redid both the topical and yearly TYS. The topical TYS enabled me to pin-point my strengths and correct my weaknesses. It also widened the spectrum of questions that I would be expecting in the O level, keeping myself better prepared in terms of the respective problem-solving methods that I could effectively apply to solve the questions. As for the yearly TYS, it enhanced my time management and mathematical reasoning skill. I was able to utilise my time wisely, streamline my thinking process to solve the questions from all the topics in a steady and clear manner.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

A: The learning materials from Einstein are very detailed. The E Math tutor in the Achievers’ class is very helpful in reinforcing our understanding on the topic and how to solve the various types of questions within the topic. The tutor will explain the content in depth, go through every question before letting us try on our own using the same method. I feel that this approach is very effective, a contrast from what my school teacher is doing which is to skim through the E Math lesson.

Q: What does the tutor in the Focus class do to help you in this subject?

A: In the Focus lessons, the E Math tutor is very approachable and I can always bring questions to ask to clarify my doubts. For the major misconceptions, the tutor will not hesitate to set additional questions on the spot for me to practise. The tutor will assess thoroughly if my habitual error and misconception are completely rectified before moving on.

Q: What do you think of Einstein Education Hub? How is it different from other tuition centre?

A: Personally, I am very happy with Einstein Education. I wished I had joined earlier.

The tutors here make sure that we completely understand the lessons before moving on which is very different from the previous centres I joined where they mostly left us on our own to do the questions.

What Team Einstein says:

We are extremely pleased with Alisha’s well-deserved distinction in the O level E Math exam! We could see the huge transformation in her learning attitude towards the subject since she attended the tuition classes. Her desire to excel and confidence grow over time with our lessons and she takes ownership and pride in her E Math learning journey. “We are SUPER PROUD of U, ALISHA!! Keep up the superb form and achieve more in poly or JC! Bravo!!”

Einstein Elite: Janelle Liau
Sec 2 EX Math 2022 EOY Exam Grade A1
Janelle’s Success Motto: “Live life to the fullest!!”

Q: What difficulties you had in Math previously?

A: As I was slow in learning and understanding, I could not understand what my Math teacher was teaching in school. To aggravate the problem, I did not have the chance to ask questions since the class was very big. Furthermore, there was no extra help provided to me because the teacher was busy all the time.

What did you do in your preparation for the Math EOY exam and how was it different from last time?

A: Last time, I did not prepare for my exam at all.  I only revised the day before the exam. However, for my Math EOY exam this time round, I actually started studying for it a few months in advance.  I went through the tuition notes in full details, redid both the school questions and tuition questions that I had problems with previously. I spent time memorizing the formulas from all the topics, making sure that I could remember them well and know how to apply them correctly onto the questions.  I would also focus more in my school Math lessons and tuition lessons as well as my personal revision at home.  Whenever in doubt, I would muster up the courage to ask teacher questions in both school and tuition. 

What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending the Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

A: I become more attentive during the tuition lessons.  I also learn to be more responsible in both my school HW and tuition HW. As the tutors are able to explain thoroughly with the relevant examples, I can understand the new topics better and faster.  Furthermore, I am able to do more mental calculations and work out the steps systematically to derive the correct answers.  As a result, I have more time to do checking during the school tests and exam.  This is a stark contrast from last time whereby I took a long time to do the questions and ended up not finishing the exam.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Math as compared to last time?

Yes. I can do more questions correctly as I can understand the topics much better. I am also braver to present my answers instead of wasting time hesitating whether my answers are correct especially during the school tests and exam.

How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

My mom’s friend recommended her. My elder brother also attended the tuition at this centre before me.

What Team Einstein says:

Janelle has been in amazing form since the start of the year with significant progress in her Math.  We have witnessed at first-hand how Janelle displays a high level of consistency in her understanding and quality of work.  “A brilliant performance, Janelle!  Continue to forge ahead and scale greater heights in Math!!”

Einstein Elite: Celyn
Promoted from Sec 1 NA 2022 to Sec 2 EX 2023
Celyn’s Success Motto: “Believe in yourself! Don’t give up!!”

Q: What results did you receive in the PSLE and the last few WAs as well as the EOY in Sec 1?

A: For my PSLE, I received a score of AL23. However, for the WAs in Sec 1, I had been scoring more As and Bs. To top it off, I achieved straight distinctions A1 in English, Math and Science in the EOY exams.  My school recognised my outstanding performance and promoted me from the normal academic stream to the express stream in Sec 2.   

Q: What did you do after the PSLE to improve your results in Sec 1?

A: After my PSLE, I decided to practise more using the assessment books.  I realised that some questions were similar to the ones in the tests and exams, so I had an easier time understanding and answering them. In addition, I read more English novels to gain more exposure to English as well as acquire many new vocabulary words and descriptive phrases that helped me in my writing.

Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in Sec 1 English, Math and Science?

A: The English tutor goes through in details the vocabulary words that I do not know.  The guidance rendered to me by the tutor during the essay writing lessons helps me to brain-storm quality ideas for my compositions.

The Math tutor consistently tests me on the formulas and concepts so that I can remember them at my finger tips and apply them correctly onto the questions. With the encouragement from the tutor and being approachable, I can always clarify my questions freely without having second thought.

The Science tutor explains in depth the scientific concepts and teaches me the answering techniques especially for the structured questions.  Thus, I am more conscious of the nitty-gritty of my answers during the tests and exams.  

Q: What will you do in Sec 2 to keep up your consistency and performance in the express stream?

A: Increase my frequency of revision via assessment books, tuition learning materials and school worksheets.  I will not hesitate to ask more questions during the lessons in both school and tuition so that I will be able to understand the topics thoroughly.

What Team Einstein says:

Celyn is a modest student who has shown huge improvement through her willingness to work hard for her goals. We are extremely pleased and proud of her achievements!! “Well done, Celyn!  Keep up the excellent performance and strive for more in Sec 2!!!”

Einstein Elite: Bryan
JC1 H2 Physics 2022 School Promo Grade A

Bryan’s Success Motto: “There’s no such thing as too late!”

Q: What results did you receive in your promo and the last few common tests?

A: For the Term 1 and Term 3 common test, I got grade E. For the mid-year, I received a U grade but for my promo, I was laser focused and went on to achieve a distinction A.

Q: What did you do after the common test to improve your results on Physics?

A: After receiving a U grade, I realised that I was in big trouble. I was determined to carry out an in-depth revision on all the topics and pushed myself to complete many topical tests to make sure that I grasped the concept of each topic thoroughly. Furthermore, I attempted the past year promo papers which allowed me to gauge my application skills and pin point the topics and areas of weakness that I needed to strengthen before my actual promo exam.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

A: The tutor in the Achievers’ class helps me understand better the current topics that my school is teaching. Not only does the tutor clarifies all my doubts or queries on the topics, he is also very helpful and always stays back with me to go through my personal questions..

Q: What does the tutor in the Focus class do to help you in this subject?

The Focus class really helps me deepen my knowledge of the previous topics and gives me more confidence in managing a wider range of questions. It helps me a lot as the tutor in the Focus class strengthens my weak foundation to understand better the previous core topics.

What will you do in J2 to keep up your consistency and performance?

In J2, I will definitely keep on doing more papers and after each topic that the teacher goes through in school, make sure that I really understand it and constantly ask questions during my tuition classes as well to clear my misconceptions.

What Team Einstein says:

We are thrilled with Bryan’s distinction in Physics! We will like to congratulate him for his hard work and outstanding achievement, not only in the promos, but also his consistency in the revision process. It is truly a remarkable display of solid determination and consistent efforts in his success in Physics. With his good learning habits, we are confident that Bryan will continue to do well in J2 and the A level!


Einstein Elite: Jerrell
Sec 4 EX E Math 2022 School Prelim Grade A1

Jerrell’s Success Motto: “Achievers were not born achievers, they learned and practiced before achieving the result!”


Q: What results did you receive in your prelim and mid-year exam?

A: My mid-year exam result for E Math was not satisfactory as I managed to get a B4 only. However, in my prelim, I worked my way up to score an A1!

Q: What did you do after your mid-year exam to improve your results on E Math?

A: My preparations for the mid-year exam was less than ideal since I did not practice as much as I needed. However, things changed after the mid-year exam result was released. I did more practice consistently in the form of other school’s past year prelim papers and the TYS. Furthermore, I would take initiatives to clarify questions with my school teachers and tutors.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

A: The tutor covered extensive revision on a wide range of topics including the ones that I learnt in school. This helped to clarify the doubts that I still had from school. Moreover, the tutor could explain the concepts and the methods in a clear fashion that I could understand easily. Most important of all, I was able to apply the same methods when solving the questions in my school work as well as the prelim exam.

Q: What is/are your goal(s) for the O level? What will you do to achieve it?

A: My goals in this O level are to attain a distinction A1 in E Math as well as pursue my favourite diploma course in culinary and catering management successfully in a local polytechnic of my choice.

I will be more determined and focused in my revision with no place for complacency. More practices have to be done to deepen my familiarity with a wide range of questions and sharpen my problem solving skills. I believe that I will be more prepared and confident to give my best in the O level.

What Team Einstein says:

Jerrell has been exceptionally outstanding in E Math propelled by his drive for success. We are pleased with his remarkable performance but not forgetting to continue our preparations with him in greater depth. Beyond his prelim, we are rooting for him in the O level to hit all his targets!


Einstein Elite: Kian Ting
Sec 4 EX Combined Chemistry 2022 School Prelim Grade A1

Kian Ting Success Motto: “To be the 1%, you must do what the 99% won’t!”


Q: What results did you receive in your prelim and mid-year exam?

A: I failed my mid-year exam with a F9 grade but clinched a distinction A1 in my prelim for Combined Chemistry.

Q: What did you do after your mid-year exam to improve your results on Combined Chemistry?

A: I did more consistent practice. Before the mid-year exam, my revision was only once in two weeks by reading up the Chemistry notes. However, after my mid-year exam results was out, I did an overhaul to my revision regime. I was determined to put in daily revision on the subject and I pushed myself to doing that without slipping back to my old and ineffective study habit. Since then, my new revision regime is more inclusive in a way that I get to do a lot of practice papers which improves my answering techniques and accuracy of answers.

Q: What do the tutors in both the Achievers’ class and the Focus class do to help you in this

A: The tutors in both the Achievers’ class and the Focus class ask very relevant questions to ensure that I understand what is taught during the lessons. When I have questions, they are able to explain in details and clarify my doubts. The tutors will not hesitate to give me very useful tips so that I know how to manage the similar questions in the exams. They are very concerned of the quality of my classwork and homework, making sure that the relevant concepts are applied correctly with the important keywords written down. To raise my learning efficiency, the tutors give good advice on creating a timetable for my revision.

Q: What is/are your goal(s) for the O level? What will you do to achieve it?

A: I have 2 goals:
1. Score an A1 for Combined Science in the O level

2. Achieve a respectable O level aggregate score in order to secure my EAE (Early Admission Exercise) placing in poly to pursue my desired course in cybersecurity.
I will continue with what I am doing so far. I will allocate more time in my revision and step up my preparations for the O level to achieve my goals.

What Team Einstein says:

Kian Ting’s Chemistry has improved tremendously for the past few months, owing to the fact that he has been revising his work regularly with consistent practice on the exam-based questions from the TYS, school worksheets and tuition materials. We are delighted with his outstanding performance and we will continue to work very closely with Kian Ting to achieve his goals in the O level!

Testimonial - Elisabeth

Einstein Elite: Elisabeth Lee
J2H2 Math 2022 CA2 Exam Grade A
Elisabeth’s Success Motto: “Don’t give up!”

Q: What difficulties you had in Math previously? 

A: I didn’t understand the concept, never clarify with anyone. I also made a lot of careless mistakes.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

A: During the lectures in school, the lecturers provide an overview of the topics including the methods to solve the questions but I have difficulties applying them. During tuition, the tutor will ask me questions consistently to ensure that I understand the concepts thoroughly. Even if I answer wrongly, the tutor after correcting me, will solidify the knowledge and emphasize the error such that I remember and not repeat it.

Q: Do you feel that it helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: Yes. During tuition, the examples are taught in a comprehensive way such that I can master a variety of problem-solving skills well and apply them usefully on the questions.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Math as compared to last time?

A: Yes. I can understand the topics much better and answer the questions more accurately.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Math exam?

A: I went through the past year papers. It was not about just getting correct answers, but more on understanding what is needed in the question to derive the solution.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: I did the questions for the sake of practice. When I got stuck, I did not bother to find out the techniques needed to solve the question. I merely copied the answers over without thinking through the skills needed.

Q: What is the difference between the Einstein Focus Class and the Einstein Achiever’s Tuition Class? How does it help you? Do you feel that you are more prepared for the exams with the focus class?

A: In the Achievers’ tuition class, the tutor is covering the current topics and clearing my doubts while in the Focus class, the tutor goes through the older topics extensively. It helps me to reinforce the topics that I may have forgotten previously, keeping me prepared for the exams as overall revision is being done consistently in the Focus class.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My friend’s parents recommended me.

What Team Einstein says:

Elisabeth’s rise in her mastery of H2 Math is well displayed in her quality work during the lessons. Constant hard work and consistent guidance are the keys to her success. “Elisabeth, keep up the exemplary performance and remain focused all the way to your A level! Many thumbs up!!”


Einstein Elite: Cyrus Tan
Sec2 Normal Technical Math 2022 School WA2 Grade A1

Cyrus’s Success Motto: “Success is not given. It is earned.”

Q: What difficulties you had in Math previously?

A: I had troubles using the correct formulas. I could not recall the formulas and when I did, I was not sure which one to use for the questions.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Acheivers’ Tuition Classes?

A: I realised that the formulas were not difficult to remember and apply. With the tutor’s help, I was able to manage questions on my own easily.

Q: Do you feel that tuition helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: Yes it does. When my school teacher teaches a topic that the tuition centre has gone through before, I find that I can understand what my school teacher is saying better. I don’t get lost so easily and am able to follow the lesson.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Math as compared to last time?

A: I am a bit more confident now. The questions done at the centre are similar to the ones from my school and I can do them easier now.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Math exam?

A: I revised the test topics, memorising the formulas properly. I also did the revision materials my school gave me as well as the previous questions gone through in the tuition centre.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: Last time, I did not memorise the formulas properly, I also had more difficulties previously doing practise questions.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My parents looked around when my grades were dropping in P4.

What Team Einstein says:

Cyrus is a responsible student who gives his all every lesson. Initially a quiet boy, he has grown in confidence and has shown marked improvement in his Math. With sustained effort, Cyrus definitely has the capability to excel in his studies.

Denise Peh Edited

Einstein Elite: Denise Peh
Sec3 Express English 2021 School EOY Exam Grade A1
Denise’s Success Motto: “One who has to climb the ladder must start at the bottom.”

Q: What difficulties you had in English previously? 

A: For composition, my vocabulary was not strong. Tended to use filler words in my speech. For comprehension, I would overthink and complicate the inferential questions.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes? Do you feel that it helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: I think it helped that there were a lot of practice papers that were similar to my school’s papers. The tutor went through the vocabulary words from the comprehension passage which helped me to understand it better.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in English as compared to last time?

A: Yes. Before attending, my English grades fluctuated and before the tests, I would feel anxious about how I would perform. I am now more confident as I feel like I have done more practices to help me better manage the tests and exams.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the English exam?

A: I did assessment books on my weaker components like visual text. Memorise the structure of the model answers. Look through the practice papers on my weaker components.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: A friend attended and recommended to me.


Einstein Elite: Tin Full
Sec1 Normal Technical Math 2021 School WA2 Grade A1
Tin Full’s Success Motto: “Don’t give up because you won’t know what you will become and who you will inspire!”

Q: What difficulties you had in Math previously? 

A: I could not focus on my Math because I was distracted by my phone. I used my phone a lot and had no time to do revision. When I received my P6 prelim Math results last year, I was very disappointed but I realized that I could not catch up with my basics.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes? Do you feel that it helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: In the NT Math tuition lesson, the tutors will teach the basics in details. I can catch up in my Math as the concepts and topics taught are more manageable. Besides that, the Math tuition is ahead of my school lessons which helps me to understand better my school lesson. More importantly, the methods taught in the tuition lesson are easier to understand than the school methods.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Math as compared to last time?

A: Yes. Last time, I failed my Math very badly and my confidence was low. However, I am more confident now. I am not shy to share my grades now. I have got the basics right, not stressed up, pushed myself more and applied the methods learnt from tuition in my school tests.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Math exam?

A: I took out all the Math notes from school and tuition and redid all the questions. I also did online questions and used the same methods learnt in tuition to do the question because it is simpler to understand, easier to remember and apply to the question.

Q: What is the difference between the Einstein Focus Class and the Einstein Achiever’s Tuition Class? How does it help you? Do you feel that you are more prepared for the exams with the focus class?

A: The focus class focuses on my weakness within the topic, clarify my doubts and redrill me with similar questions to get rid of my mistakes. Therefore, I can remember the methods better and apply them correctly during the tests in my school.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My Mom’s friend.

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-11 at 13.15.29

Einstein Elite: Aliyah
Sec3 Normal Academic E Math 2021 School WA1 Grade A1
Aliyah’s Success Motto: “ I believe that I can do it”

Q: What difficulties you had in E Math previously? 

A: I never understood the E Math concepts well. I seldom or never practiced Math questions at all.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes? Do you feel that it helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: E Math becomes easier and clearer to understand. I also practice the E Math questions myself at home more often than last time. I used to hate Math but now it becomes interesting.

Q: Do you feel that tuition helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: Yes. The tuition centre is ahead of the school in terms of the topic coverage. It helps me to understand my E math lesson better in school. Furthermore, it serves as a revision for me when I am learning the same topic in school.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in E Math as compared to last time?

A: Yes, a lot more confident. In the past, I didn’t care whether I passed my Math. After joining the tuition class, I strive to do better.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the E Math exam?

A: I went through the tuition and school notes and redid the questions from both the notes and the exercises. Moreover, I consolidated the difficult questions onto an exercise book and revised them before the test.

Q: What is the difference between the Einstein Focus Class and the Einstein Achiever’s Tuition Class? How does it help you? Do you feel that you are more prepared for the exams with the focus class?

A: The concepts of the Math topics become easier to understand. The school teacher teaches at a very fast pace which I have difficulties keeping up with whereas the focus lesson tutors @Einstein will go through more slowly. In addition, the methods taught in the focus lessons are more effective than my school. More importantly, the tutors will train me to be more alert, careful and minimise my mistakes while I am doing the questions during the focus lessons.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: Now, I will sit down to look through the E Math notes, revising for the test one week in advance. In the past, I never revised for my Math tests. I just took the tests based on what was in my head at that point in time.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: It is near my school and my parents made enquiries at the centre.

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-10 at 13.13.32

Einstein Elite: Wei Kai
Sec3 Pure Chemistry 2020 EOY Exam Grade A1
Wei Kai’s Success Motto: “Don’t be afraid to ask and be more confident in yourself ”

Q: What difficulties you had in Chemistry previously? 

A: I felt the school lesson pace was too rush.  I was not able to organize my studying and could not understand the school lessons.  I was also too shy to ask questions in school.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

A: The notes made organizing easier and I can study at a more efficient pace.  I was able to manage my time better.

Q: Do you feel that tuition helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: Yes, I can clarify my doubts with the tuition teacher.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Chemistry as compared to last time?

A: Yes definitely.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Chemistry exam?

A: I took out my old notes to revise as well as doing the ten-years-series.  I would not hesitate to clarify my doubts with the tutor.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: My preparation previously was messy.  I did not really know which part of the tested topics to focus on in my revision and what to study to improve my answering skills.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My mother found out about the tuition centre.


Einstein Elite: Bryan Then
Sec3 Express E Math 2020 EOY Exam Grade A1
Bryan’s Success Motto: “Just be hardworking and clever ”

Q: What difficulties you had in E Math previously? 

A: I did not know how to do the E Math questions and had trouble focusing in class.  Hence, I did poorly in my school tests.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

A: After attending the tuition classes, my grades gradually improved.  I finally understood how to apply the correct formulas to the questions and work out the steps systematically.  Now, I find E Math easier to handle.

Q: Do you feel that tuition helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: Yes. Tuition helps to reinforce what was taught in my school lessons so I am able to remember them much better.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in E Math as compared to last time?

A: Yes.  I enjoy doing E Math as I am able to answer and handle the questions confidently and also do well in the subject.  Previously, I did not like the subject.  I had difficulties and did not do well in it.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the E Math exam?

A: I came for the focus lessons and went through the revision thoroughly every week.  I revised the formulas and did the exam-based questions weekly during the focus lessons.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: Previously, I did not spend enough time to revise and gave up easily when facing a difficult question.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My mum happened to walk past and found the tuition centre.


Einstein Elite: Eunice
Sec 1 English 2020 EOY Exam Grade A1
Eunice’s Success Motto: “You reap what you sow”

Q: What difficulties you had in English previously?

A: I struggled with composition and had difficulties in answering the comprehension questions.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Acheivers’ Tuition Classes? 

A: I managed to understand the comprehension questions’ requirements better.  Therefore, I was able to answer the exam questions with more details.

Q: Do you feel that tuition helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: Yes, sometimes my school teacher is not clear on the instructions like how to write a good composition.  After coming here, I have concrete examples to refer to and can write better.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in English as compared to last time?

A: Yes.  For summary writing, I know what a good summary looks like and can apply the techniques to my own work.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the English exam?

A: Revise the notes from school and tuition lessons on the answering techniques and writing skills.  I redid the questions from the worksheets and applied the techniques and writing skills.

Q: How was your preparation different form last time?

A: I only did assessment books.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My older brother attended tuition lessons here previously.


Einstein Elite: See Han Jie
JC 1 H2 Math 2020 Promo Exam High Grade High B
See Han Jie’s Success Motto: “One Day or Day One. Your Choice. ”

Q: What difficulties you had in Math previously? 

A: Firstly, my lecturers in school went through the content too quickly.  I could not catch up and understand what was covered. Next, I was not consistent in doing my tutorials, homework and revision for Math.  Therefore, I did quite badly for my tests and exams.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

A: My Math tutor teaches very in-depth and at a more comfortable pace according to my learning needs.  He makes sure that I understand before moving on. In the lecture hall, we are not able to ask questions directly and we might have forgotten the questions after the lectures. During the tutorials, it can be difficult as everyone is also waiting to ask questions. However, with a smaller tuition class size, it is easier to ask questions and I can understand the content much better.

Q: Do you feel that tuition helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: Yes, definitely. The tuition centre constantly covers topics that are being tested and taught in school, so what I learn here can help me understand what’s going on back in school. Whether it is a topic that is not covered in school yet or a topic that is currently taught in school but I could not understand it well, tuition has helped me to clarify my doubts and confusion.  When I go back to school, I know what the teacher is teaching and I can follow the lessons well.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Math as compared to last time?

A: Yes, I do feel more confident in my Math. At first, I was struggling quite badly in Math.  Although my school teacher was nice, he only had so much time for me.  After coming for tuition, I find that I can understand what is going on in school.  I feel better about my ability in Math both in terms of understanding and performance during the exams.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Math exam?

A: Other than doing the usual homework, there was a revision package that was given by the school and I tried to complete as many questions as possible. I also practised the topical worksheets given in school. If I have any questions, I will either ask my school teacher or the tutor when I come for the Math tuition.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: Last time, I did not do much revision or study for my Math.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My father’s friend recommended this tuition centre as he said it’s very good.


Einstein Elite: Lucas
Sec3 Express A Math 2019 School SA2 grade: A1
Lucas’s Success Motto: “Chill Now. Work Hard Tomorrow.”

Q: What difficulties you had in A Math previously?

A: Before coming for tuition classes, I did not understand what was taught in school.  I didn’t feel that my school teacher explain the concepts well.  Hence, I was unable to follow the lessons.  I tried to do the homework questions given but I was not able to do so.  There were too many things I did not understand, hence I give up after trying to do the questions.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Acheivers’ Tuition Classes? Do you feel that it helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: The concepts were taught clearly during the lessons.  As the topics taught here are ahead of my school, it allows me to understand the lessons in school better.  When my teacher is teaching in school, I was able to multi-task and do more practice questions too.  With tuition classes, I am more aware of the different types of questions that are tested in exam.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in A Math as compared to last time?

A: I am now able to do most of the questions independently which then motivates me to do more practices.  I feel more confident that I am able to do the questions with proper steps.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the A Math exam?

A: For my SA1, before attending tuition classes, I gave up easily as there were too many questions I was unable to do.  I flipped through the textbook without knowing what to focus on.  For my SA2, I was motivated to prepare well for my exams.  I did the practice papers that was given by the school and I bought additional practice papers to practise as advised by my tutors.  I was able to do the questions with more confidence than before and I did a majority of it.  I felt that I was not scared to sit for the paper and I was more confident about it.  I also came for intensive classes which allow me to clarify the doubts that I had especially on the topics that was covered before SA1.  It helped me to understand those topics better and I am aware of different types of questions that may be tested.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: From my mum.


Einstein Elite: Eugene
Sec3 Express Combine Chemistry 2019 School SA2 Grade A2
Eugene’s Success Motto: “Work Hard. Play Hard”

Q: What difficulties you had in Chemistry previously?

A: In school, I have difficulty understanding what was taught. I could not understand my teachers’ explanation as I find it hard to concentrate in school. My class is very noisy.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Achievers’ Tuition Classes?

A: During tuition classes, I am pushed to remember and memorise important formula and concepts. I am regularly tested to ensure I can recall the concepts better. This helps me to understand and remember the concepts better. This also helps me to answer the more common questions in my exams. I was also taught the proper answering techniques, hence I am able to complete my homework and answer exam questions more easily with more details.

Q: Do you feel that tuition helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: I understand the school lesson better. Sometimes my school teacher explained certain concepts briefly but I was able to understand it as I was taught in tuition while my friends do not. I was able to help them to clear their doubts.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Chemistry as compared to last time?

A: Yes, I felt more confident as I was able to recall the concepts better and applied the relevant concepts to the questions.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Chemistry exam?

A: I wrote my own notes on the important concepts. I referred to both my school and tuition notes to have a comprehensive revision. I re-do the questions from the exercises given by the centre to ensure I do not repeat my mistakes. My school also give out practice papers which I attempted to prepare myself better.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: I feel more well-prepared for the exam as I was able to remember the concepts better and able to do the practice paper questions more confidently.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My aunt’s friend recommended the tuition centre.

Rui Hao Pic

Einstein Elite: Rui Hao
Sec3 Normal Academic E Math 2019 School SA2 grade: A

Rui Hao’s Success Motto: “Work Hard. Play Hard.”

Q: What difficulties you had in E Math previously?

A: I previously didn’t understand what was taught in school.  I felt that the pace of the lesson was too fast for me to catch up.  As there were too many things I was unsure of, I had no time to clarify my doubts with my school teacher.  I felt that the questions and practices that was given in school was insufficient for me to be able to do exam questions.  I needed more exposure.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Acheivers’ Tuition Classes? Do you feel that it helps you to understand better your school lesson?

A: After coming for tuition classes. I am now able to understand everything that was taught in class.  I no longer feel lost.  I am also able to do the homework given by my school teacher independently.  I am even confident enough to teach my friends when they are unsure or have doubts.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in E Math as compared to last time?

A: Definitely. Previously, before coming for tuition classes, when I sat for the exam paper, I felt clueless and the questions did not seem to be familiar to me.  Hence, I do not know how to start the questions and do it anyhow.  Now I am more confident to do the questions.  The questions look similar to what was taught in tuition classes and I am able to attempt all the questions with confidence.

Q: What is the difference between the Einstein Focus Class and the Einstein Achiever’s Tuition Class?  How does it help you?  Do you feel that you are more prepared for the exams with the focus class?

A: Focus class helps me on my revision on the topics that were previously taught from S1 to S3.  Hence, if there is no focus class, I won’t remember how to do these questions.  It also pushes me to recall and apply formula better by exposing me to common exam questions.  There are also tests conducted regularly which trains my time management and the tutor will give me feedback and go through my mistakes on the spot so I am more aware of my mistakes and do not repeat it in exams.  I feel more prepared for the exams as focus class pushes me to do consistent revision on everything that will be tested.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the E Math exam?

A: Revise formula.  Main preparations come from the focus class which boost my confidence.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: Father’s friend’s recommendation.


Einstein Elite: Jia Ye
Sec3 Express Pure Physics 2019 School SA2 Grade A1

Jia Ye’s Success Motto: “加油!”
Vice Captain in School Modern Dance Team


Q: What difficulties you had in Physics previously?

A: In Physics, the concepts can be very difficult to be understood. Hence, I am struggling to fully understand what was taught in school. My understanding of the concepts is superficial and not deep enough for me to do pure questions which require a much deeper understanding of the concepts and analysis of questions.

Q: What is the biggest difference that you realise after attending Einstein Acheivers’ Tuition Classes?

A: I am able to understand the topics better. I am also given a lot of tips on how to deal with application questions. My answering techniques also improved with more exposure to different types of questions given in the notes and exercises.

Q: Do you feel more confident now and believe that you have the ability to achieve more in Physics as compared to last time?

A: Yes. On my own, I am unsure on how to do my revision as I am unsure what to focus on and what type of questions I should be practising on. With the tutor’s guidance, I was made known on what are my mistakes and which areas I can improve further.

Q: What did you do in your preparation for the Physics exam?

A: To prepare for exam, on top of revising the notes, I looked through again the mistakes that I did for both school work and tuition work. I re-did those questions to test my understanding.

Q: How was your preparation different from last time?

A: I take my work more seriously due to the constant encouragement given by the tutors and I am more clear on what I need to revise on. During the exam, I am able to link the exam questions to the questions that were done in Physics classes. Hence, I am able to apply the techniques that was taught to the questions.

Q: How do you know about Einstein Education Hub?

A: My elder brother came here for tuition first.