SUCCESS 009: Alisha O Level E Math

SUCCESS 009: Alisha O Level E Math

Einstein Elite: Alisha

O Level E Math

Alisha’s Success Motto: “It is never too late to be what you might have been!”

Q: What results did you receive in your O level, prelim and the last few WAs?

My 1st WA was a mediocre E8 followed by an improved grade C6 in the WA2. I pressed on but my prelim was still hovering at C6. I gave my all in the O level and my effort was duly rewarded with a distinction A2!        

Q: What did you do after the prelim to improve your results on E Math?

I surrendered my gadgets and laptop, firmly resolved to focus completely on my revision in E Math without the usual distractions. Next, I redid both the topical and yearly TYS. The topical TYS enabled me to pin-point my strengths and correct my weaknesses. It also widened the spectrum of questions that I would be expecting in the O level, keeping myself better prepared in terms of the respective problem-solving methods that I could effectively apply to solve the questions. As for the yearly TYS, it enhanced my time management and mathematical reasoning skill. I was able to utilise my time wisely, streamline my thinking process to solve the questions from all the topics in a steady and clear manner.

Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?

The learning materials from Einstein are very detailed. The E Math tutor in the Achievers’ class is very helpful in reinforcing our understanding on the topic and how to solve the various types of questions within the topic. The tutor will explain the content in depth, go through every question before letting us try on our own using the same method. I feel that this approach is very effective, a contrast from what my school teacher is doing which is to skim through the E Math lesson.

Q: What does the tutor in the Focus class do to help you in this subject?

In the Focus lessons, the E Math tutor is very approachable and I can always bring questions to ask to clarify my doubts. For the major misconceptions, the tutor will not hesitate to set additional questions on the spot for me to practise. The tutor will assess thoroughly if my habitual error and misconception are completely rectified before moving on.

Q: What do you think of Einstein Education Hub? How is it different from other tuition centre?

Personally, I am very happy with Einstein Education. I wished I had joined earlier.

The tutors here make sure that we completely understand the lessons before moving on which is very different from the previous centres I joined where they mostly left us on our own to do the questions..

What Team Einstein says:

We are extremely pleased with Alisha’s well-deserved distinction in the O level E Math exam! We could see the huge transformation in her learning attitude towards the subject since she attended the tuition classes. Her desire to excel and confidence grow over time with our lessons and she takes ownership and pride in her E Math learning journey. “We are SUPER PROUD of U, ALISHA!! Keep up the superb form and achieve more in poly or JC! Bravo!!”.