10 Jan SUCCESS 008: Celyn promoted from NA to EX

Einstein Elite: Celyn
Promoted from Sec 1 NA to Sec 2 EX
Celyn’s Success Motto: “Believe in yourself! Don’t give up!!”
Q: What results did you receive in the PSLE and the last few WAs as well as the EOY in Sec 1?
For my PSLE, I received a score of AL23. However, for the WAs in Sec 1, I had been scoring more As and Bs. To top it off, I achieved straight distinctions A1 in English, Math and Science in the EOY exams. My school recognised my outstanding performance and promoted me from the normal academic stream to the express stream in Sec 2.
Q: What did you do after the PSLE to improve your results in Sec 1?
After my PSLE, I decided to practise more using the assessment books. I realised that some questions were similar to the ones in the tests and exams, so I had an easier time understanding and answering them. In addition, I read more English novels to gain more exposure to English as well as acquire many new vocabulary words and descriptive phrases that helped me in my writing.
Q: What do the tutors in the Achievers’ class do to help you in Sec 1 English, Math and Science?
The English tutor goes through in details the vocabulary words that I do not know. The guidance rendered to me by the tutor during the essay writing lessons helps me to brain-storm quality ideas for my compositions.
The Math tutor consistently tests me on the formulas and concepts so that I can remember them at my finger tips and apply them correctly onto the questions. With the encouragement from the tutor and being approachable, I can always clarify my questions freely without having second thought.
The Science tutor explains in depth the scientific concepts and teaches me the answering techniques especially for the structured questions. Thus, I am more conscious of the nitty-gritty of my answers during the tests and exams.
Q: What will you do in Sec 2 to keep up your consistency and performance in the express stream?
Increase my frequency of revision via assessment books, tuition learning materials and school worksheets. I will not hesitate to ask more questions during the lessons in both school and tuition so that I will be able to understand the topics thoroughly.
What Team Einstein says:
Celyn is a modest student who has shown huge improvement through her willingness to work hard for her goals. We are extremely pleased and proud of her achievements!! “Well done, Celyn! Keep up the excellent performance and strive for more in Sec 2!!!”