02 Apr SUCCESS 025: Jesse S3 NA E Math WA1 2024
Einstein Elite: Jesse
2024 WA1 Grade: Sec 3 NA E Math A1
Jesse’s Success Motto: “Put more effort in your work, it will always pay off!”
Q: What results did you get for Math in the Sec 2 EOY exam last year and the WA1 this year?
My Math result took a hit in the EOY exam last year, it was F9. I put more effort in my work this year, it pays off with a resounding success in the WA1, earning myself a distinction A1 with a perfect score (25/25)!
Q: What did you do in your preparation for the WA1 this time round and how was it different from last time?
I made sure to revise consistently with much more focus as compared to last year. I spent at least one hour every day to do practice papers on my own. On top of that, my family gave me loads of encouragement during my revision, especially my older brother. They gave me the additional support which reinforced my will to turn my Math grades around this time.
Q: What does the tutor in the Achievers’ class do to help you in this subject?
I find the Achievers’ class to be helpful as the E Math tutor goes out of his way to explain every concept and question (including the complicated ones), so I have a better understanding of what the questions are about. The tutor also emphasises the effective problem-solving methods and the steps involved when doing the questions. I master these skills and apply them diligently to my revision and tests. The E Math tutor, being kind and approachable, makes me understand his explanations more easily.
Q: What does the tutor in the Focus class do to help you in this subject?
The tutor in the E Math Focus class clears my misconception in algebra which enables me to solve the questions from other topics correctly every time I use algebra. The tutor is able to identify my weaknesses from the previous topics, provides thorough drillings to erase my habitual errors and builds up my confidence when I can eventually do the questions correctly.
Q : What is your target for the EOY exam this year? What will you do to achieve it?
My target is A1 for E Math in the EOY exam this year.
I will continue with my current revision program for the rest of this year, ensuring that I am able to apply what I have learnt from both the school and the tuition centre. Should I find any difficulties, I will seek clarifications from my tutors.
What Team Einstein says:
Perfect, Jesse! Your brilliant performance marks your strong desire for success! We are extremely proud of you and we have full confidence that you can achieve excellence in your studies!! Well done, keep up your consistency!!